Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Show seniors some love. Let's protect them from Covid-19

People in their 80's are 10 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than people in their 50's. Why? No its not just because 'they are old'. They do have a weakened immune system because of age but it can be strengthened by simple measures. Here is my "Senior Script". please follow it for any seniors that you care about. P.S Remember they need quality sleep.
This video discusses my recommendations. Please share with those who take care of and care for the elderly. Please do your part.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!!! The depth of knowledge Dr. Tuakli possesses is immeasurable. I am not in my 80s...yet, however, I found the information in this blog to be appropriate for all adults. I will share this blog with my family members especially my sister who is a twice breast cancer survivor. I'm sending her Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C. By the way, I only purchase vitamins that I take from Dr. Tuakli's office. I trust them much more than those available in retail stores. Again. Dr. Tuakli, thanks for sharing your expert knowledge with us. We are all very blessed to have you as our physician.. I know I am.
    Beverly B. Hosley, RN
